Quiko Hobby Farming - Mineral grit stone : 900 g
Fossilized sea animals and calcified plants form the basic substance of the Quiko Hobby Farming mineral gritstone. They support the chicken with trace elements and minerals. Placed in the coop, the Mineral grit stone also offers a great activity: Pecking provides variety, encourages natural pecking behavior and, incidentally, the chicken uses the Mineral grit stone to groom itself and wipe its beak.
The Quiko Hobby Farming products are developed in close cooperation with vets and experts to support the good development of your chickens.
Another varied activity for your chickens can be Mini Popcorn from Quiko Hobby Farming. As an alternative to Mineral grit stone you can also use Mineralgrit with stomach gravel.
Make mineral feed for chickens and poultry
Quiko Mineral Grit Stone freely available all year round.