Canosept wound gel for dogs: 20 ml
Das geruchlose Canosept Wundgel bietet eine optimale Wundversorgung und schmerzfreie Anwendung für Ihren Hund. Es hält die Wunde feucht, pflegt und reinigt den Wundbereich und hat einen positiven Effekt auf die Narbenbildung.
Das Wundgel zieht schnell ein und verhindert ein Verkleben der Wunde mit Verbands- und Pflastermaterial.
The wound should first be cleaned of contaminants such as dirt, blood and coatings. For optimum wound care, Canosept wound gel is then applied thinly to the affected area and the wound dressed if necessary. Wraps, gauze, plasters and compresses can also be moistened with the gel. Canosept Wound Gel can be applied several times a day and over a longer period of time and remains in place until the next dressing change. The application is painless and very well tolerated. Once opened, use within 12 weeks. Can also be used ideally for cats or other pets.
We recommend Canosept Paw Care especially for the care of sensitive dog paws. It ensures supple soft paws and protects against dehydration and painful cracks.