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Canosept medicine cabinet starter set for dogs
Canosept medicine cabinet starter set for dogs

Canosept medicine cabinet starter set for dogs

The dog's medicine cabinet for optimal care from ear to paw. The practical starter set contains the following products:

  • Ear Care Finger Pads, 50 pcs.
  • Dental care finger pads, 50 pieces
  • Eye care pads, 100 pieces
  • Wound spray, 75 ml
  • Paw care, 75 g
  • Free brochure with care and application tips
  • Free shipping within Germany
44,95 €
56,95 €
More product information

Canosept - Dog care

Canosept - Dog care

Extensive walks in the woods in all weathers, wild playtime with other four-legged friends and the daily meal are part of everyday life for your dog. Naturally, the paws are stressed, the coat loses its shine over time and the eyes, teeth and ears also need their regular care.

The Canosept care range is the practical, easy-to-use medicine cabinet for your dog. The high-quality products offer an excellent, reliable effect and are specially developed by veterinarians for your dog's needs. Used regularly, the cleansing and caring ingredients of the products ensure a pleasant feeling and prevent possible illnesses.

Canosept - Dog care

Canosept - Dog care

Canosept - Care and health for the dog

Extensive walks in the woods in all weathers, wild playtime with other four-legged friends and the daily meal are everyday in the life of your dog. Naturally, the paws are stressed, the coat loses its shine over time and also the eyes, teeth and ears need their regular care. The Canosept care range is the practical, easy-to-use medicine cabinet for your dog. The high-quality products offer an excellent, reliable effect and are specially developed by veterinarians for your dog's needs. Used regularly, the cleansing and caring ingredients of the products ensure a pleasant feeling and prevent possible illnesses.

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke

"Responsibility as a pet owner, keeping the four-legged family member healthy, that's what Canosept offers products for, so that a small scrape doesn't turn into a deep wound, for example."

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke, Veterinarian

Canosept - Care products

Canosept dental care finger pads folding box tin
Canosept dental care finger pads folding box tin
Canosept_tooth care pads_3pack
Canosept Tooth Pads Seal
Canosept Dental Care Finger Pads for dogs
Canosept Dental Care Spray Seal
Canosept Dental Care Spray for dogs
Canosept Dental Care Set
Canosept Dental Care Set
Canosept Dental Care Set Seal
Canosept Dental Care Set for dogs
Canosept 3-headed toothbrush
Canosept 3-headed toothbrush
Canosept 3-head toothbrush seal
Canosept 3-headed toothbrush for dogs
Canosept toothpaste 100 g
Canosept toothpaste 100 g
Canosept toothpaste seal
Canosept Toothpaste Dental Gel for dogs
Canosept tooth finger brushes
Canosept tooth finger brushes
Canosept dental care finger brush seal
Canosept Dental Care Finger Brushes for dogs

Canosept - Care products

Canosept dental care finger pads folding box tin
Canosept_tooth care pads_3pack
Canosept Tooth Pads Seal
Canosept dental care finger pads folding box tin
Canosept_tooth care pads_3pack
Canosept Tooth Pads Seal

Canosept Dental Care Finger Pads for dogs

Canosept Dental Care Spray Seal
Canosept Dental Care Spray Seal

Canosept Dental Care Spray for dogs

Canosept Dental Care Set
Canosept Dental Care Set Seal
Canosept Dental Care Set
Canosept Dental Care Set Seal

Canosept Dental Care Set for dogs

Canosept 3-headed toothbrush
Canosept 3-head toothbrush seal
Canosept 3-headed toothbrush
Canosept 3-head toothbrush seal

Canosept 3-headed toothbrush for dogs

Canosept toothpaste 100 g
Canosept toothpaste seal
Canosept toothpaste 100 g
Canosept toothpaste seal

Canosept Toothpaste Dental Gel for dogs

Canosept tooth finger brushes
Canosept dental care finger brush seal
Canosept tooth finger brushes
Canosept dental care finger brush seal

Canosept Dental Care Finger Brushes for dogs

Canosept Care - Recommended by Label
Canosept Care - Recommended by Label
Canosept Care - Recommended by Label

"All are very good and useful products. Which we are also happy to recommend with conviction."

Nicole, breeder & product tester
(to the edogs product test)


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Canosept product world

Canosept medicine cabinet starter set for dogs
Canosept medicine cabinet starter set for dogs

Canosept medicine cabinet starter set for dogs

Canosept_ear care pads_3pack
Canosept Ear Care Pads Seal

Canosept Ear Care Finger Pads for dogs

Canosept Ear Cleaner Bottle 125 ml front with folding box
Canosept Ear Cleaner Bottle 125 ml front with folding box
Canosept Ear Cleaner Liquid Optimal supplement
Canosept Ear Cleaner Liquid Seal

Canosept Ear Cleaner for dogs

Canosept Dental Care Set
Canosept Dental Care Set
Canosept Dental Care Set Seal

Canosept Dental Care Set for dogs

Canosept 3-headed toothbrush
Canosept 3-headed toothbrush
Canosept 3-head toothbrush seal

Canosept 3-headed toothbrush for dogs

Canosept toothpaste 100 g
Canosept toothpaste 100 g
Canosept toothpaste seal

Canosept Toothpaste Dental Gel for dogs

Canosept tooth finger brushes
Canosept tooth finger brushes
Canosept dental care finger brush seal

Canosept Dental Care Finger Brushes for dogs

Canosept dental care finger pads folding box tin
Canosept dental care finger pads folding box tin
Canosept_tooth care pads_3pack
Canosept Tooth Pads Seal

Canosept Dental Care Finger Pads for dogs

Canosept Dental Care Spray Seal

Canosept Dental Care Spray for dogs

Canosept Eye Care Pads Optimal supplementation
Canosept Eye Care Pads Seal

Canosept Eye Care Pads for dogs

Canosept eye care liquid Optimal supplement
Canosept eye care liquid seal

Canosept Eye Care for dogs

Canosept Universal Care Wipes for dogs
Canosept Universal Care Wipes for dogs
Canosept Universal Care Wipes Seal

Canosept Universal Care Wipes for dogs

Canosept paw care dog
Canosept paw care dog
Canosept paw care seal

Canosept Paw Care for dogs

Canosept micro silver spray for dogs
Canosept micro silver spray for dogs

Canosept micro silver spray for dogs

Canosept Wound Spray Seal

Canosept Wound Spray for dogs

Canosept Wound Gel Seal

Canosept wound gel for dogs

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Canosept skin care spray
Canosept skin care spray Quality seal

Canosept Skin Care Spray for dogs

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Canosept coat care spray
Canosept Coat Care Spray Seal of Quality

Canosept Coat Care Spray for dogs

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Canosept intestinal flora tablets for dogs

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