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8 precautionary tips for your dog

20.11.2022 - Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke, Tierarzt

20.11.2022 - Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke, Tierarzt

New fee regulation for veterinarians -
8 tips against high costs

Am 22. November trat die neue Gebührenverordnung für Tierärzte (GOT) in Kraft und der Tierarztbesuch wurde für Sie deutlich teurer. Wie Sie vorsorgen können, damit die Gesundheit Ihres Tieres bezahlbar bleibt, erfahren Sie in diesem Blogartikel. 


  • New fee regulation for veterinarians (GOT) as of November 
  • This changes in the veterinary costs
  • This is how your vet fee is calculated
  • Why preventive healthcare is becoming even more important
  • 8 precautionary tips on how to save despite new fee regulation
  • New cooperation Canosept and Panda pet insurance
  • Conclusion
Neue Gebührenverordnung beim Tierarzt

New fee regulation for veterinarians from November 22

In November, a new fee regulation for veterinarians (GOT) comes into force for over 20 years. This saves the existence of many veterinary practices and was long overdue according to the veterinary profession, but will of course be more expensive for us, as dog and cat parents, first.

What will be more expensive? Most veterinary services are affected by the higher fees. Thus, when the new fee schedule comes into effect, the unit price will increase, depending on the veterinary service. In the following table some examples of how much the costs will increase:

Power / Animal speciesCosts according to old GOT* (until 22.11.22)Costs according to new GOT* (from 22.11.22)
Vaccination dog5,77 €11,50 €
Vaccination cat5,77 €11,50 €
Examination dog13,47 €23,62 €
Examination cat8,98 €23, 62 €

  *simple fee rate

Einige wenige Leistungen, wie z.B. das Röntgen, werden günstiger.

Zur aktuellen Gebührenverordnung für Tierärzte (GOT)

This is how your veterinary bill is composed according to GOT

Veterinarians may bill at the single, double or triple fee rate for treatment, depending on whether 

  • complications occur during treatment, 
  • the animal very stressed 
  • or aggressive, 
  • the treatment e.g. in the evening
  • or at the weekend in the emergency service has taken place
  • the equipment of the veterinary practice is particularly good

So your choice of practice, as well as your pet's behavior and health, have a significant impact on veterinary costs.

Tierarztkosten minimieren

Fee regulation for veterinarians: Don't skimp on preventive care

Regular preventive examinations at the veterinarian of at least 1 x per year, depending on age and health, are still urgently recommended not only from the cost point of view. First, in time recognized signs of an illness are more uncomplicated and thus more favorably to treat, than already chronic or carried off illnesses of your domestic animal.

Also the regular, preventive precaution of frequent illnesses should move still more strongly into the center of attention of each animal owner. If one considers alone the range of the dental health, already 80% of all dogs starting from 3 years have illnesses of the mouth cavity.

If tartar or e.g. jaw inflammations have only once developed, these illnesses must be treated cost-intensively and are connected with large pain for your animal. Many cats are also affected by bad teeth at a young age. You can avoid this very well by an active health care in everyday life.

8 Vorsorgetipps für Ihren Hund beim Tierarzt

8 precautionary tips on how to save money despite new fee regulation (GOT)

  • Regelmäßige Zahnpflege Zuhause bei Ihrem Hund / Ihrer Katze beugt nicht nur Zahnstein und Parodontose vor, sondern auch das Übergreifen dieser Erkrankungen auf weitere Organe.
  • Kontrollieren und pflegen Sie regelmäßig Haut, Fell und Pfoten Ihres Tieres.
  • Achten Sie auf gute Ohren- und Augen-Pflege insbesondere bei allen Rassen, die zu Entzündungen neigen.
  • Betreiben Sie Wundversorgung zuhause, um Infektionen oberflächlicher Wunden vorzubeugen.
  • Pay attention to a balanced diet (enough vitamins, trace elements, proteins, food without added sugar) and provide regular exercise.
  • Get your pet used to the vet from an early age to prevent stress and anxiety from occurring in the first place. But even adult dogs and cats can still be helped to overcome their fears with regular training. Medical training, for example, is a great way to make the vet visit more cooperative. This involves getting dogs and cats used to touching different parts of their body early on, simulating a vet exam.
  • If possible, bypass evening, weekend and emergency services to avoid triple charges and emergency service surcharges. It often helps to stay calm first. Many emergency service patients, in the experience of many veterinarians, are often not emergencies at all.
  • Purchase affordable and powerful health insurance for your pet that covers, for example, expensive surgery costs as well as treatment costs for chronic illnesses. Through some insurances you have access to online veterinarians, which can complement the normal veterinary visit.
Cooperation Canosept and Panda Insurance

Cooperation Canosept and Panda Insurance

In Zeiten steigender Tierarztkosten freuen wir uns sehr über unsere neue Kooperation mit der Panda-Tierversicherung. Panda wurde im September 2022 von DFSI als beste Hunde-Krankenversicherung ausgezeichnet und legt genauso wie wir bei Canosept besonderen Wert auf regelmäßige Gesundheitsvorsorge, bestmögliche Versorgung der Hunde und einen hohen Qualitätsstandard zum optimalen Preis. Gemeinsam sind wir Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für beste Pflege und Gesundheit für Ihr Tier. Die Panda-Krankenversicherung bietet bereits ab 39,95 Euro monatlich einen zuverlässigen Rund-um-Schutz für die Hundegesundheit.

Als Mitglied in der Panda-Versicherung profitieren Sie von hervorragendem Versicherungsschutz und vielfältigen Vorsorgemaßnahmen, die über die Versicherung abgerechnet werden können. So auch das exklusive Canosept Vorsorgepaket für Panda-Mitglieder für die Pflege und Gesunderhaltung Ihres Haustieres.

Für alle Panda-Neumitglieder gibt es zusätzlich aktuell eine exklusive Canosept-Panda-Hausapotheke zum Vorteilspreis. Sichern Sie sich jetzt gegen die neue Gebührenverordnung für Tierärzte ab und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kooperation auf der Website der Panda-Hundeversicherung.


Veterinary costs are getting more expensive. By taking specific preventive measures, such as regular care at home, avoiding vet surcharges, regular check-ups at the vet and taking out pet health insurance, you can still ensure that pet health remains affordable and that your pet lives a long, happy life.

Relevant products for health care

Canosept Dental Care Set
Canosept Dental Care Set Seal
Canosept Dental Care Set
Canosept Dental Care Set Seal

Canosept Dental Care Set for dogs

Canosept skin care spray
Canosept skin care spray Quality seal
Canosept skin care spray
Canosept skin care spray Quality seal

Canosept Skin Care Spray for dogs

Canosept Wound Gel Seal
Canosept Wound Gel Seal

Canosept wound gel for dogs

Canosept paw care dog
Canosept paw care seal
Canosept paw care dog
Canosept paw care seal

Canosept Paw Care for dogs

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke

About the author:

Professor Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke has been working as a veterinary scientific advisor for Ardap Care GmbH since 2020. As a veterinarian and dog owner for many years, he knows the problems and questions that dog parents have from a professional and personal perspective. As an expert on the subject of dog health, Norbert Mencke provides you with helpful information and tips. You can reach Norbert Mencke at

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke, Veterinarian

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke

About the author:

Professor Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke has been working as a veterinary scientific advisor for Ardap Care GmbH since 2020. As a veterinarian and dog owner for many years, he knows the problems and questions that dog parents have from a professional and personal perspective. As an expert on the subject of dog health, Norbert Mencke provides you with helpful information and tips. You can reach Norbert Mencke at

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke, Veterinarian

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