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ARDAP - Application on animals

ARDAP - Application on animals

Effective against ticks and fleas

Ticks and fleas are a nagging issue in dogs, cats and small animals. They affect the health of animals in three ways: The bite causes damage to the skin, flea and tick saliva cause allergic reactions and, in addition, they are carriers of bacteria, viruses and parasites that can cause diseases.

With ARDAP tick and flea protection products, you can provide relief for your most faithful companions.

ARDAP - Product range for application on animals

ARDAP Flea and Dust Comb Large front
ARDAP Flea and Dust Comb Large front
ARDAP flea and dust comb
ARDAP Tick Spray 250 ml on animal
ARDAP Tick Spray 250 ml on animal
ARDAP Tick Spray for dogs and cats
ARDAP Tick and Flea Powder 150g front
ARDAP Tick and Flea Powder 150g front
ARDAP Tick and Flea Powder for dogs and cats
ARDAP Tick Shampoo for dogs 250 ml front
ARDAP Tick Shampoo for dogs 250 ml front
ARDAP Anti-Tick Dog Shampoo

ARDAP - Product range for application on animals

ARDAP Flea and Dust Comb Large front
ARDAP Flea and Dust Comb Large front
ARDAP flea and dust comb
ARDAP Tick Spray 250 ml on animal
ARDAP Tick Spray 250 ml on animal
ARDAP Tick Spray for dogs and cats
ARDAP Tick and Flea Powder 150g front
ARDAP Tick and Flea Powder 150g front
ARDAP Tick and Flea Powder for dogs and cats
ARDAP Tick Shampoo for dogs 250 ml front
ARDAP Tick Shampoo for dogs 250 ml front
ARDAP Anti-Tick Dog Shampoo

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