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Dogs dental care 1x1 from the vet

29.09.2023 - Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke, Tierarzt

29.09.2023 - Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke, Tierarzt

Dogs dental care 1x1 from the vet

How often do I actually have to brush my dog's teeth? Why does my dog always chew on everything? Together with our veterinarian Prof. Dr. med. vet. Mencke, we answer the most frequently asked questions from dog parents on the subject of dog dental care and recommend products that make dog dental care much easier.


  • Why is dog dental care important
  • Different breeds of dogs and dental care
  • How often must brush my dog's teeth
  • What toothpaste for my dog
  • Why is chewing important
  • Buying tip from the vet
Hunde Zahnpflege fuer strahlende Zaehne

Why should I brush my dog's teeth?

"My dog gets raw bones regularly - that's enough. After all, wolves didn't have peppermint drops either". Many dog parents think that dog dental care with dental sticks and raw bones is enough.

Fortunately, nowadays there are many more ways to maintain mouth and dental health. According to a study, 80% of all dogs over the age of 3 have dental problems, such as tartar or gingivitis. Regular dental care will keep your dog healthy into old age, because underlying dental disease and inflammation can also negatively affect other organs in the body.

Tierart Tipps bei Hundezahnpflege

Different breeds, different needs in dog dental care

According to the FCI, there are 356 recognized dog breeds today. The different breeds are also accompanied by different needs in dog dental care. This is due to the changes in the dog's mouth, such as shortened muzzle and the changes in the teeth.

It is especially important to know here that breeds with short muzzle tend to have more dental problems due to the crowding of the jaws/teeth. But not every dog is the same. Even two dogs from the same litter can have completely different requirements for necessary dental care. A daily mouth check on your own dog is therefore the best health precaution.

Tipps Hundezahnpflege

How often do I have to brush my dog's teeth?

Dog dental care is all about regularity. Sporadic use of toothbrushing utensils is not enough to care for and protect your dog's teeth.

Our vet recommends making dog dental care a regular part of your daily routine. This is the most efficient way to do something for your dog's mouth and teeth health. It would be ideal to introduce dental care every day after the last feeding, for example, as an evening routine. This way it will become an integral part of your dog's daily routine.

Is there absolutely no time for it? Since plaque begins to harden into tartar after about 3 days, we recommend that dogs perform dental care at least three times a week.

Can I brush my dog's teeth with toothpaste?

Bei der Hunde Zahnpflege können Sie auf spezielle Zahnpasten für Hunde zurückgreifen. Zahnpasta für Menschen ist aufgrund der Inhaltsstoffe (z.B. Fluorid, Xylit) für Hunde nicht geeignet.

Canosept bietet Ihnen das Zahnpasta Dental Gel, welches speziell für Hunde konzipiert wurde. Es reinigt Hundezähne ohne Zuckerzusatz, Fluorid und Xylit und hat einen zarten Minzgeschmack, den auch Hunde mögen.

Dogs Dental Care - What is best for dogs teeth?

In addition to regular brushing, chewing plays an important role in canine dental care.

Zahnpflege beim Hund fuer starke Zaehne

Why is chewing important for dental care?

Surely you know it too: Your dog has found a stick in the forest and chews on it with relish. The chewing instinct in dogs is innate and should always be satisfied. 

Chewing makes happy

Bones, horns and co. not only taste delicious to the dog, but also bring many benefits. Among other things, endorphins are released when chewing. These happiness hormones stimulate the mood. So chewing makes your dog happy.

In addition, chewing helps your dog relax in stressful situations. The constant movement of the jaw muscles during biting and chewing releases tension.

Welpe mit Kauspielzeug

Chewing supports the change of teeth

The fact that chewing is innate becomes apparent in the first months of life. Between the fourth and seventh month occurs the change of teeth in dogs. During this time, the gums can quickly become inflamed and an itchy mouth can occur.

However, the puppy knows how to help itself during this time. By chewing, the eruption of the teeth is accelerated. The change of teeth is supported.

Chewing for dogs dental care

Chewing is an essential part of the dog's dental care. It ensures that the gums are well supplied with blood. Food residues are also rubbed off during chewing. As a result, plaque in the form of tartar cannot attach so easily. In addition, the increased saliva production during chewing reduces the risk of tooth decay.

When choosing bones, our vet has a few helpful tips for healthy chewing fun.

Hunde Zahnpflege beim Beagle was hilft

What bones for dental care? 

Bones that you want to use for dog dental care should have certain characteristics. Bones, horns and Co. for dogs should be as natural as possible and sugar-free. Also, colorants, flavorings and preservatives should not be included. Certain materials can be too hard for the dog and lead to microcracks in the tooth enamel, so we particularly advise against e.g. deer antlers.

For my dog only the best: beef bones and coffee wood

For natural chews, it is best to use beef bones or chewing roots made from coffee wood, for example. They are usually well tolerated, do not splinter and are thus the gentle chewing fun for the teeth.

Sticks, chicken and pig - let it be

It is better not to give your dog chicken and pork bones for dental care. The risk of injury from splinters is too great here. Sticks from the forest are also not recommended for dogs for this reason and are not dental care. 

Dog dental care - How do I get my dog's teeth clean?

Die Zähne Ihres Hundes erfordern eine regelmäßige Pflege. Das Canosept Zahnpflege-Sortiment bietet Ihnen für jede Rasse, jedes Alter und in jeder Situation das passende Produkt zur Hunde Zahnpflege.

Buying tip from the vet!

Mit dem praktischen Canosept Zahnpflege-Set und der darin enthaltenen 3-Kopf-Zahnbürste erreicht man selbst schwierigste Stellen im Maul spielend leicht und reduziert die Putzzeit deutlich. Weitere Infos zu den Produkten finden Sie hier:

Canosept Dental Care Set
Canosept Zahnpflege Set Siegel
Canosept Dental Care Set
Canosept Zahnpflege Set Siegel

Canosept Dental Care Set for dogs

Canosept 3-headed toothbrush
Canosept 3-Kopf Zahnbuerste Siegel
Canosept 3-headed toothbrush
Canosept 3-Kopf Zahnbuerste Siegel

Canosept 3-headed toothbrush for dogs

Canosept toothpaste 100 g
Canosept Zahnpasta Siegel
Canosept toothpaste 100 g
Canosept Zahnpasta Siegel

Canosept Toothpaste Dental Gel for dogs

Canosept tooth finger brushes
Canosept Zahnpflege Fingerbuerste Siegel
Canosept tooth finger brushes
Canosept Zahnpflege Fingerbuerste Siegel

Canosept Dental Care Finger Brushes for dogs

In addition to regular dental care with the toothbrush, the Canosept dental care spray and dental care finger pads are a great support against bad breath in dogs - for quick dental care in between and instant fresh breath in dogs.

Canosept Zahnpflege Spray Siegel
Canosept Zahnpflege Spray Siegel

Canosept Dental Care Spray for dogs

Canosept_tooth care pads_3pack
Canosept Zahn Pads Siegel
Canosept_tooth care pads_3pack
Canosept Zahn Pads Siegel

Canosept Dental Care Finger Pads for dogs

Canosept Zahnpflege Spray Siegel
Canosept Zahnpflege Spray Siegel

Canosept Dental Care Spray for dogs

Canosept Zahnpflege Spray Siegel
Canosept Zahnpflege Spray Siegel

Canosept Dental Care Spray for dogs

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke

Über den Autor:

Professor Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke ist seit 2020 als veterinärmedizinisch wissenschaftlicher Dienst beratend für die Ardap Care GmbH tätig. Als langjähriger Tierarzt und Hundesitzer kennt er die Probleme und Fragen, die Hundeeltern haben, aus der fachlichen und persönlichen Sicht. Norbert Mencke versorgt Sie als Experte rund um das Thema Hundegesundheit mit hilfreichen Infos und Tipps. Erreichen können Sie Norbert Mencke unter mencke@ardapcare.com.

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke, Veterinarian

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke

Über den Autor:

Professor Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke ist seit 2020 als veterinärmedizinisch wissenschaftlicher Dienst beratend für die Ardap Care GmbH tätig. Als langjähriger Tierarzt und Hundesitzer kennt er die Probleme und Fragen, die Hundeeltern haben, aus der fachlichen und persönlichen Sicht. Norbert Mencke versorgt Sie als Experte rund um das Thema Hundegesundheit mit hilfreichen Infos und Tipps. Erreichen können Sie Norbert Mencke unter mencke@ardapcare.com.

Prof. Dr. med. vet. Norbert Mencke, Veterinarian

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